The NBA will use Microsoft Teams to virtually seat fans courtside

When the National Basketball Association (NBA) restarts its season on July 30th, it will use Microsoft Teams to recreate the atmosphere of a packed arena without any fans physically present. As part of its ongoing partnership with Microsoft, the league plans to use the software’s recently released Together Mode to put more than 300 fans in the stands. The feature utilizes AI to segment your face and shoulders and put you in a shared digital space with other people. 

The NBA will equip arenas with 17-foot tall LED screens that surround the court. The displays will allow players to see and hear the people who are watching them via Teams. Meanwhile, fans will see a live feed of the game directly within the app, alongside a view of everyone else that’s spectating. ESPN and Turner will adjust how they record matches so that those following along on their TV or mobile device will see both the players and those attending through Teams.