O setor de criptomoedas sofreu um de seus maiores incidentes de segurança neste ano, depois que um hacker roubou US$ 63 milhões de um jogo baseado em blockchain. O criminoso virtual, no entanto, se arrependeu e devolveu o valor. O game Munchables confirmou o incidente em uma postagem no X (antigo Twitter) nesta quarta-feira (27)…
info_outline Importante: os comentários e opiniões contidos neste texto são responsabilidade do autor e não necessariamente refletem a opinião do InfoMoney ou de seus controladores O investidor em busca de isenção não tem um dia de paz. Depois das debêntures de infra, dos fundos exclusivos, das offshores, dos CRIs, CRAs, LCIs e LCAs, agora o…
A Positivo tecnologia assinou hoje um contrato para a aquisição de 100% da Algar TI Consultoria, braço de serviços gerenciados de TI da Algar Tech, por RS 235 milhões. A negociação – que ainda depende da aprovação do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) – não inclui a unidade de experiência do cliente, em que…
A proximidade do O Dia do Consumidor, a ser comemorado sexta-feira (15), levou o Procon-RJ e a Câmara Brasileira de Economia Digital (camara-e.net) a alertar as pessoas sobre compras feitas on-line e os golpes que podem ocorrer, principalmente em promoções. As ofertas de até 80% de desconto começaram na semana passada e vão até dia 18 de…
GitHub, the Microsoft-owned code repository, has announced something that will hopefully make all our software much more secure. The platform has, after several months of testing, now launched code scanning, a system that will read through software looking for security holes. As the code is created, the system will now scan through it, highlighting areas…
In the ruling (PDF), the judge explained that courts rely on the three elements of the Howey test to determine what constitutes a securities sale. According to the Howey test, something is a securities sale if it’s an investment of money, in a common enterprise and has expectations of profits to be derived solely from…
Roland The TR-06 Drumatix is what Roland calls a “detailed replica of the Roland TR-606 Drumatix from the ‘80s,” albeit with some modern upgrades. It retains the tone of the original, which was originally a commercial failure but became a cult item in the ‘90s, appearing on albums like Massive Attack’s Protection. However, it’s been…
Kris Naudus / Engadget The in-ear monitors use a metal bullet-like form factor, so they’re sturdy and sleek, but also not very secure in your ear canal. I wore them while washing dishes only to have one fall completely out, so these won’t be very good for any kind of physical activity like jogging or…
When Twitter introduced voice tweets earlier this summer as a way to send more personalized messages, it caught a lot of flack for not including accessibility features. Now, the company said it will add transcriptions for voice tweets as part of an initiative to promote accessibility within its products. It’s also expanding the voice tweet…