Newton Mail has been saved (again) by two dedicated fans

It’s been a bumpy road for email subscription service Newton. After being shuttered in September 2018, its developer CloudMagic was acquired by Essential the following December, hinting at a possible resurrection which did indeed come to pass in February 2019. Fast forward a year, though, and Essential itself announced it was shutting down, taking Newton Mail with it. And now it’s back again.

Newton Mail, the beloved email app revered for its clever features and ease of use has been bought from Essential by two new owners, Maitrik Kataria and Justin Mitchell. In a blog post announcing their new ownership, the pair — already well-established in the software sector and self-proclaimed super fans of the app — admit that they’re not a “well-funded VC backed company,” but reassure Newton fans that they’ve got solid plans in place to ensure the app really does stick around this time.