FTC investigation of Facebook may not finish before 2021

Facebook and the FTC have declined to comment on the reports of progress into the investigations, although Facebook did say it was eager to share its “views on the competitive landscape” when Zuckerberg testifies to Congress on July 27th.

Many details of the case are under wraps, but they’re believed to focus on whether or not Facebook broke any antitrust laws through acquisitions. The company owns social media heavyweights Instagram and WhatsApp, and has been acquiring relevant companies like Giphy. Rivals have struggled to compete, although larger examples like Snapchat have continued to survive and sometimes thrive.

A 2021 finish could significantly alter the course of the investigation. The US might elect a new president in November, and that could easily lead to a replacement for FTC chairman Joseph Simons. If so, the antitrust case could take a new direction, with a different focus and expectations. This doesn’t mean Facebook would escape a penalty — if anything, it might face pressure from politicians eager to break up tech giants.

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