Facebook is killing Lasso, its first TikTok clone

Lasso. Remember Lasso? You know, Facebook’s attempt to build a version of TikTok, with the ability to do short video clips with music and effects. But, with that sheen of it being yet another attempt for Facebook to crush its competition by cloning it. Unfortunately, despite rolling out to several countries and offering support for a number of languages, Lasso hasn’t exactly set the world on fire. And so, the company is killing the app on July 10th, mark the date in your calendar.

If you are a Lasso user, then you’ve got until then to download any videos you want to save and prepare any memorials you’re planning. Facebook, meanwhile, is planning to go all-in with Reels, the TikTok clone -inspired feature that’s baked into Instagram. Last month, Reels got promoted to a dedicated section within the Instagram explore tab, and is rolling out to more countries — albeit not the US just yet.