Throughout much of 2020, Facebook has been embroiled in yet another controversy, this time around its apparent unwillingness to remove posts that essential amount to attempts at voter suppression. A few weeks ago, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company would label all posts that mention voting and direct users to visit Facebook’s voting hub for authoritative information. That initiative kicks off today, according to Axios.
As announced in June, these labels and links to Facebook’s voting information hub will apply to anyone on Facebook, including politicians. Furthermore, as Axios reports, posts that specifically mention absentee voting or mail-in ballots will direct users to a government website focused on absentee ballots. This comes after Facebook let President Trump post false information on the platform about mail-in ballots. Twitter, on the other hand, labeled his tweets on the subject as misleading and included links to “get the facts” on mail-in ballots.