A show based on a Twitter account may seem like an unusual project for Warner Media to green light, but the company has recently made something of a habit of mining unexpected sources for HBO Max content. In July, it announced a show based on the relaxation app Calm. Getting someone like Ava DuVernay, who…
Month: August 2020
Even at $6 per month, ESPN+ is still a killer deal. Sure, a lot of sports are still on hold amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but many of the major leagues have returned in recent weeks. Many games are available through ESPN+, and golf fans can catch the PGA Championship on the streaming service this weekend.…
These orders will certainly be challenged in court and it’s unclear exactly what “transactions” means until the Secretary of Commerce explains it, but Tencent has investments in many US companies. It operates games like PUBG Mobile, owns Riot Games which makes League of Legends and Valorant, plus it owns a significant portion of Fortnite developer…
“It’s no secret they want to elevate their brand, they want to compete with the European luxury automakers, and it seems like they’ve tried various avenues like performance,” Jessica Caldwell, executive director of insights for Edmunds, told The Detroit News on Wednesday. “So I wonder if this is one of those ways that they want…
Facebook has removed several networks of accounts that were spreading misinformation in the US ahead of the 2020 presidential election. One of the troll farms, which was based in Romania, posed as a group of African Americans who said they supported President Donald Trump. They used names like “BlackPeopleVoteForTrump” to share their content. Nathaniel Gleicher, head…
Ever wanted to walk a mile in Agent 47’s shiny shoes? That’ll be possible when Hitman 3 hits PlayStation VR in January, alongside its launch on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC. Sony showed off the first look at first-person, VR Hitman during today’s State of Play stream, which focused on PS4…
It marks the first time Facebook has removed one of Trump’s posts under the policy. The company has previously taken down Trump campaign ads for breaking its rules around “organized hate” and misleading information about the US census. The video was also shared on Twitter, where it remains up. On Facebook, the video was visible for…
Polite reminder that comic sans is an accessible font and Instagram introducing it is actually a v good thing 🤗🤗🤗— Tasmin 💫 Freelance Digital Marketer (@GrandioseDays) August 4, 2020 Former Microsoft typographer Vincent Connare created Comic Sans in 1994. Pulling inspiration from the lettering in comic books like Watchmen, Connare envisioned people using the font…
The Intellivision Amico will miss its October 2020 release window (via Polygon). Intellivision CEO Tommy Tallarico announced the delay during a livestream the company hosted on Wednesday to show off gameplay footage of games coming to the console. As you might have guessed, the delay is due to various challenges caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. “The…
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