AI discovers antibiotic that kills even highly resistant bacteria

AI discovers antibiotic that kills even highly resistant bacteria

The team succeeded by developing a system that can find molecular structures with desired traits (say, killing bacteria) more effectively than past systems. Unlike previous methods, the neural networks learn representations of molecules automatically, mapping them into continuous vectors that help predict their behavior. Once ready, the researchers trained their AI on 2,500 molecules that…

Crypto currency ‘The Banks Are Broke’: This Viral Video From 2013 Is More Relevant Than Ever

“All the Banks Are Broke,” and they’ve only got worse. Quantitative easing forever? The threat of cryptocurrencies will disrupt the financial sector.  A video from 2013 depicting a European minister’s tirade against the global banking system has recently re-emerged and gone viral. Gaining massive traction within the crypto community, the speech is now more relevant…