The company is reissuing a model that appears to be based on the mid-period 2600P, with a gray faceplate and road case enclosure. Inside you’ll fine more or less the same set of components that made the semi-modular synth such a hit. There’s three oscillators with options for sawtooth, square, triangle, sine, and pulse that…
Month: January 2020
The CEO didn’t elaborate exactly how LG will expand its phone lineup, nor give any details on its proposed “wow factors,” but reiterated the company’s ambition to boost its competitiveness in an already saturated market.LG has faced its fair share of challenges in recent years. At the beginning of 2019 it reported an overall loss…
In addition to terminating the employees, Ring said it limited data access to smaller number of staff members. At the moment, only three employees can access stored customer videos. The company also clarified in the letter that while it gave an R&D team in Ukraine access to video data, that team can only watch publicly…
Source: Comcast In this article: av, cable, CES2020, Comcast, entertainment, internet, Quibi, services, streaming, streaming video, Xfinity, Xfinity Flex, Xfinity X1 All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may…
「PlayStation Plus」に加入していれば、追加料金無しで遊べる「フリープレイ」。2020年1月の対象作品が更新されました。今回配信されるのは以下の2作品です。 アンチャーテッド コレクション PlayStation Hits1本目は、人気アクションシリーズ「アンチャーテッド」のコレクションタイトル。「アンチャーテッド エル・ドラドの秘宝」(2007年)、「アンチャーテッド 黄金刀と消えた船団」(2009年)、「アンチャーテッド ‐砂漠に消えたアトランティス‐」(2011年)の3作品を収録しています。もともとはPlayStation 3用ですが、本作はPS4用にリマスターされており、1080p/60fpsに対応します。発売元:ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメントフォーマット:PlayStation 4ジャンル:アクションアドベンチャー提供期間:2020年1月8日(水) ~ 2020年2月3日(月)Goat Simulator2本目のGoat Simulatorは、”ヤギ版GTA”とも言われる、ヤギを自在に操作して街を破壊しまくれる「リアル・ヤギシミュレーター」です。リリース前後で非常に話題になったタイトルでもあります。プレイ動画などで見かけて気になるけど、ソフトを買うほどでは……と思っていた方もこの機会にプレイしてみてはいかがでしょうか?発売元:Double Eleven Ltd.フォーマット:PlayStation 4ジャンル:アクション提供期間:2020年1月8日(水) ~ 2020年2月3日(月)加えてPS4用テーマも、「新サクラ大戦」より天宮さくら・三式光武&イメージソングの配信が開始。こちらは2020年6月30日(火)までとなります。 広告掲載についてのお問い合わせは までお知らせください。各種データなどはこちらのメディアガイドをあわせてご覧ください。 関連キーワード: game, gaming, playstation, playstation 4, Playstation4, PlayStationPlus, ps4, sony
Google Assistant’s interpreter mode is helping travelers feel more at home in select American Airlines lounges. The airline has started testing the feature, which we first saw at CES 2019, running on Google Nest Hubs at Los Angeles International Airport’s Admirals Club lounges in Terminals 4 and 5. Assistant’s interpreter mode can translate 29 languages,…
Thanks to a combination of feed-forward and feedback tech, the NC-Q1 can monitor both your surroundings and what gets through into the headphones. With microphones on both the inside and the outside of the earcups, Korg says this model is able to automatically adjust according to the environment while suppressing a wide frequency range. And…
Thanks to a combination of feed-forward and feedback tech, the NC-Q1 can monitor both your surroundings and what gets through into the headphones. With microphones on both the inside and the outside of the earcups, Korg says this model is able to automatically adjust according to the environment while suppressing a wide frequency range. And…
The cash influx won’t just improve Platinum’s financial position. Sato said this would help his firm move beyond development to possible self-publishing. He also hoped this would give the team a “wider global perspective” than it had in the past.This isn’t Tencent’s biggest investment. It has full control of League of Legends creator Riot Games…
7th January, 2020, Singapore – Digital assets trading firm has been launching leverage and staking, amongst other financial products on its platform. The latest product on offering is digital asset lending, another strategic step the exchange is taking towards becoming a financial center in the blockchain industry. Mirroring elements of traditional finance where loans…