The company might also come to the rescue of anyone grappling with hair loss. Its Becom project uses a handheld device, AI and a mobile app to scan your scalp for dead skin, hair follicle density and other traits, and then suggests the best solution. You can even study trends to see if you’re bouncing…
Month: December 2019
The company might also come to the rescue of anyone grappling with hair loss. Its Becom project uses a handheld device, AI and a mobile app to scan your scalp for dead skin, hair follicle density and other traits, and then suggests the best solution. You can even study trends to see if you’re bouncing…
If anything, the researchers found, YouTube has the opposite problem — it’s overly safe. The recommendations tend to clearly favor mainstream channels, including outlets labeled as partisan like Fox News and John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight. Independents and smaller outlets like The Young Turks tend to suffer regardless of their political leanings. Ledwich also warned…
19th December, 2019, Singapore – 2019 has been a turbulent year for the cryptocurrency space. If there’s anything to be learnt about the crypto markets, it’s that it is highly volatile and unpredictable. While that might not be appealing to some, for others it is the opportunity of a lifetime to ‘strike gold’, and some…
中国ファーウェイの未発表折りたたみスマートフォン「Mate X2」が2020年第3四半期(7月〜9月)に登場し、さらに新たな端末デザインを導入するとの噂が海外にて伝えられています。 Mate X2 will be like galaxy Fold but it’s have full sized phone screen and maybe smaller notification/ selfie screen to other side.— Teme (特米) (@RODENT950) December 25, 2019 著名リークアカウントのTeme (特米)によると、ファーウェイは2020年3月のMWC(モバイル・ワールド・コングレス)にて、まずアップグレードモデルの「Mate Xs」を発表します。Mate Xsについてはファーウェイの重役もインタビューにて、プロセッサが刷新されディスプレイやヒンジ構造が改良されることを認めています。そして2020年第3四半期に投入されるMate X2は、韓国サムスンの折りたたみスマートフォンこと「Galaxy Fold」に似たスタイルになるとされています。さらに、フルサイズの「フォン・スクリーン」と、通知とセルフィー用のスクリーンを搭載するとのこと。外折りタイプのMate Xとは異なり、Galaxy Foldは画面が内側を向く内折りタイプ。これが事実なら、現行モデルからは大きな路線変更となります。現時点ではフォン・スクリーンが何を意味しているのかははっきりしませんが、展開時にタブレットスタイルではなくより小型なスマートフォンスタイルとなるなら、米モトローラの縦折りスマートフォン「razr」のような形状になるのかもしれません。折りたたみスマートフォンでは上記のように外折り、内折り、縦折りと、さまざまな形状が登場しています。さらに、来年には三つ折りスマートフォンが登場するかもしれません。どのスタイルがどのような利用シーンにフィットするのかについての模索は、今後も続きそうです。 広告掲載についてのお問い合わせは までお知らせください。各種データなどはこちらのメディアガイドをあわせてご覧ください。 関連キーワード: android, foldable, huawei, smartphone
The Epic Holiday Sale is still going, and today’s daily free game is Hyper Light Drifter. The top-down action RPG was crowdfunded a few years ago before it was eventually released in 2016, and now you can try it out yourself for zero dollars. Hyper Light Drifter’s 88 Metacritic score and list of awards won…
As with the earlier rollout, this should deliver meaningful coverage. NYC is virtually blanketed in 5G, for example, while Las Vegas’ access expands well past the main city.The deployment brings AT&T’s normal 5G coverage up to 19 cities, and its millimeter wave access to 25 cities. It also underscores AT&T’s middle-of-the-road approach to introducing 5G.…
It’s no secret that a second season of The Mandalorian is in the works, but when does it show up? Roughly a year from now, apparently. Series overseer Jon Favreau has confirmed that the follow-up will premiere on Disney+ in fall 2020, or roughly a year after thee Star Wars live action series began. He’s…
CES is right around the corner, and that means we’ll once again meet a slew of new home theater equipment. LG is unveiling its 2020 soundbar lineup right now, and a new headline feature for this year is “AI Room Calibration.” Exactly what separates this tech from non-AI automatic calibration we’ve seen is unclear, but…
CES is right around the corner, and that means we’ll once again meet a slew of new home theater equipment. LG is unveiling its 2020 soundbar lineup right now, and a new headline feature for this year is “AI Room Calibration.” Exactly what separates this tech from non-AI automatic calibration we’ve seen is unclear, but…