Crypto currency Institutional Investors Are Pouring Into Bitcoin Derivatives

Institutional investors are pouring into bitcoin. Trading volume across top U.S.-regulated BTC futures markets is skyrocketing. Retail investors are losing interest in the pioneer cryptocurrency. The massive downturn that the cryptocurrency market experienced over the last week sent retail investors into “extreme fear,” according to the Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI). Even Mark Dow,…

Alexa can now sound excited or disappointed

Alexa can now sound excited or disappointed

Alexa’s ability to convey emotions is powered by Amazons’ Neural Text-to-Speech technology, and the company says “overall satisfaction with the voice experience increased by 30 percent when Alexa responded with emotions.” We guess the testers found it much more pleasing to interact with a voice AI that that doesn’t sound monotonous. By the way, Alexa…

Gaming playstation xbox microsoft pc amd nvidia As maiores tretas do twitter invadiram o Stock Pickers

Gaming playstation xbox microsoft pc amd nvidia As maiores tretas do twitter invadiram o Stock Pickers

Importante: os comentários e opiniões contidos neste texto são responsabilidade do autor e não necessariamente refletem a opinião do InfoMoney ou de seus controladores SÃO PAULO – Preço importa ou não importa na hora de comprar ações? Os mercados são eficientes? E quem rendeu mais dinheiro no longo prazo, o Ibovespa ou o CDI? Esta…