Institutional investors are pouring into bitcoin. Trading volume across top U.S.-regulated BTC futures markets is skyrocketing. Retail investors are losing interest in the pioneer cryptocurrency. The massive downturn that the cryptocurrency market experienced over the last week sent retail investors into “extreme fear,” according to the Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI). Even Mark Dow,…
Month: November 2019
A TV personality in China refused to accept 100 bitcoin for free in 2014. Five years later, he was again offered free BTCs but again, he refused. Bitcoin performs better than fiat currency in the four properties of sound money. If you were offered 100 bitcoin for free, would you hesitate to jump on the…
Bitmain, a leading bitcoin miner, has secretly filed for an IPO that is sponsored by Deutsche Bank, a German multinational company, as reported by Tencent News. The company has been struggling to bounce back since crypto winter. The black swan event dampened demand for cryptocurrency mining machines, causing profitability to plummet. The reported secret filing…
This won’t address glitches within Red Dead itself, but it is a start. It’s also an acknowledgment that the game industry’s attempts to reduce its dependency on Steam (and increase profit margins) can only go so far. Whether game creators like it or not, many gamers prefer to have all their games in one place…
Red Ice TV and Affirmative Right are among the most visible far-right groups on the internet. The former has interviewed some of the movement’s most notorious public figures, including Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin. Facebook’s ban of the group encompasses the pages of hosts Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren, in addition to their internet radio…
There are caveats. The three-month freebie will convert to a $10 per month subscription once the Buddy Pass runs out, so you’ll need to cancel service if you’re unimpressed. And of course, Pro will only include four games as of December. If you’re not sure you’ll stick with Stadia in the long run, you’d better…
Alexa’s ability to convey emotions is powered by Amazons’ Neural Text-to-Speech technology, and the company says “overall satisfaction with the voice experience increased by 30 percent when Alexa responded with emotions.” We guess the testers found it much more pleasing to interact with a voice AI that that doesn’t sound monotonous. By the way, Alexa…
Importante: os comentários e opiniões contidos neste texto são responsabilidade do autor e não necessariamente refletem a opinião do InfoMoney ou de seus controladores SÃO PAULO – Preço importa ou não importa na hora de comprar ações? Os mercados são eficientes? E quem rendeu mais dinheiro no longo prazo, o Ibovespa ou o CDI? Esta…
SÃO PAULO – O juiz Danilo Pereira Jr., da 12ª Vara Criminal Federal de Curitiba, aceitou, nesta sexta-feira (8), o pedido da defesa do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva para deixar a prisão. Veja o despacho na íntegra.A decisão ocorre menos de 24h após o plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) derrubar, por 6…
(Shutterstock) SÃO PAULO – A Uber queimou US$ 543 mil a cada hora este ano, mostrou a divulgação de resultados trimestrais publicada na última segunda-feira (4). O prejuízo no terceiro trimestre foi de US$ 1,16 bilhão, número pior que o apresentado no mesmo período do ano passado (US$ 986 milhões), mas melhor que as perdas…